Friday, January 23, 2009

CHILDREN'S WEEK OF PRAYER - January 11-16, 2009

What could possibly be better than starting your new year with a Week of Prayer? In the Past, we have had Children's Prayer Services on either a Sunday night or Wednesday evening. This past year we held five services for the kids while the parents prayed in the Sanctuary. Here was our schedule!

  • Sunday evening we had Prayer Stations praying for our country, church, government and ministries of SGT.

  • Tuesday night was awesome. We did a Prayer Walk throughout the church offices praying for the pastors and secretaries, we prayed in the E building for the various SCS classes and we also prayed in the D building for the High school classes.

  • On Wednesday, we prayed for Long Island and had 50 kids that night.

  • On Thursday, we prayed for our missionaries.

  • On Friday, we prayed for the children around the world.

It was an awesome week. Please check out our pictures below.