Friday, December 23, 2011


With well over 70 children in attendance, we had an awesome morning of celebrating the birthday of our Lord and Savior Jesus. All the kids had a breakfast menu to choose from as well as a program by Magic Vinny, Grandpa lou and Shelton the Shark came for a visit and there were also fun games and a live Nativity! This event is quickly becoming a huge tradition in our children's ministry and it was a great way to cap off a great year of ministry to children!

Friday, September 23, 2011


It is so hard to have 5 minutes to blog so here is a report about two huge events we hosted this summer here at Smithtown Gospel Tabernacle. Let's start with our Vacation Bible Camp!

Well over 350 kids attended our annual Vacation Bible Camp (yes camp) and our theme for 2011, which was Son Surf Beach Bash. Each morning our kids enjoyed bible lessons, crafts, recreation and our drama team featuring Taylor Miles, TJ Styles, Big D and Hector the Protector. Our kids also met for the first time a new puppet character Roscoe from the Island of Bing Bango. Our VBC took place the week of July 18-22!

Our annual Missions Camp took place the week of August 8 - 12 with close to 100 kids attending. The countries we hosted this year were France, Puerto Rico, Nigeria and India. Each mrning we had various home and forieign missionaries share with our campers. Our campers also learned drama, puppets and split time between crafts and international games. Our camp eneded with an awesome closing program as our campers performed drama, puppets and language with their families. Our oal for this camp is simple. We hope one day our campers will have a huge desire to serve Jesus on the mission field or wherever God has them in the future!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


On May 30th, the children’s ministries were privileged to participate in the Town of Smithtown Memorial Day Parade sponsored by the Knight’s of Columbus. Three months before the parade, Silvina Mastrogiacomo graciously designed and painted our entire float with the help of a few volunteers. What a great job she did! Two days before the parade, many of our church carpenters helped build our float and attach it to a trailer, donated by Panzner Demolition. It was an all day event placing our Life Guard tower on the float along with a beach and ocean scene with dolphins, clown fish, seals and turtles and we must say the float looked awesome. Although it rained in the morning hours, the sun came out just in time before the start of the parade. The rest of Memorial Day was an absolutely beautiful sunny day. It is always a thrill to see our church enthusiastic about the parade. Many Royal Rangers, Missionettes and Rainbows marched proudly behind our float. Our Kids in Missions students handed out pens to children promoting our Vacation Bible Camp. We also had patriotic music playing as well as some fun kids music declaring the name of Jesus with puppets singing along in the windows of the snack shack hut. The Smithtown Christian School Cheerleaders also participated in the parade as well. There are so many people to thank and the list is endless. You all helped make his parade a big hit! Great job, everyone!

Thursday, April 28, 2011


During our Resurrection Sunday services at SGT, our children's ministry hosted the annual Resurrection Celebration at 8:30 am, 10:30 am & 12:30 pm in the gym. Over 150 children combined between the three sevices enjoyed a craft, object lessons, Grandpa Lou, puppet characters Myron, Rocky Bambino & Denny the Donkey and a chalk talk by Nicole Rotondi who shared a salvation message by using a drawing and paints. The event ended by a brief message by Pastor Dave and an altar call. Thanks to all who helped out and who were a part of this great event!

Thursday, April 21, 2011


On Saturday, April 16th, our children's ministry added a new program to our already busy yearly schedule. At 10:00 am that morning we hosted our first ever Easter Egg Hunt just for preschoolers. 35 three to five year olds lined up at the registration table and were then escorted to the Day Care area to color. Once everyone arrived, they all lined up at the starting line and the search began. Each child looked for the color egg of their team. After snacks were given out, everyone was escorted to the auditorium for a brief program featuring a story and 2 of Pastor Dave's puppets....Sonkist and Shelton the Shark. We look forward to our next Easter Egg Hunt for preschoolers which will take place on Saturday, March 31, 2012!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

SUPER SUNDAY - February 6 2011

The morning before the big Super Bowl game before the Green Bay Packers and the Pittsburgh Steelers, the children's ministry hosted our own Super Sunday in our Fellowship Center. During the 8:30 am, 10:15 am & 12:15 pm services, well over 150 children enjoyed the thrill of entering our "stadium" complete with goal posts, a field and seats. Our teachers taught some awesome object lessons and our bible lesson was on the bible's biggest underdog...David, who defeated Goliath the giant. We ended our time together with "The Super Bowl of Trivia." As the kids exited, they were given a Super Sunday football. The Referee was yours truly Pastor Dave (who only called one penalty all morning for excessive talking).

Before you know it, football season will be starting again and we will be planning Super Sunday 2012...which is February 5, 2012!!