Thursday, April 28, 2011


During our Resurrection Sunday services at SGT, our children's ministry hosted the annual Resurrection Celebration at 8:30 am, 10:30 am & 12:30 pm in the gym. Over 150 children combined between the three sevices enjoyed a craft, object lessons, Grandpa Lou, puppet characters Myron, Rocky Bambino & Denny the Donkey and a chalk talk by Nicole Rotondi who shared a salvation message by using a drawing and paints. The event ended by a brief message by Pastor Dave and an altar call. Thanks to all who helped out and who were a part of this great event!

Thursday, April 21, 2011


On Saturday, April 16th, our children's ministry added a new program to our already busy yearly schedule. At 10:00 am that morning we hosted our first ever Easter Egg Hunt just for preschoolers. 35 three to five year olds lined up at the registration table and were then escorted to the Day Care area to color. Once everyone arrived, they all lined up at the starting line and the search began. Each child looked for the color egg of their team. After snacks were given out, everyone was escorted to the auditorium for a brief program featuring a story and 2 of Pastor Dave's puppets....Sonkist and Shelton the Shark. We look forward to our next Easter Egg Hunt for preschoolers which will take place on Saturday, March 31, 2012!